The Glasgow based singer Serena Sophia is back with her latest single 'Hold On'.  This track is the second single to come from the singer and with this one she takes you down a road filled with soulful vocals and chilled out jazz fused with r&b melodies.  Her debut single 'Diary of Thoughts' was released at the end of 2020 and she hasn't stopped since.  With a degree in music and a masters in musical theatre, along side a vast number of instruments such as saxophone and piano,  Serena has trained, studied lived and breathed music for a number of years.  Her versatility within her sound comes from her training in a number of styles and genres.  

'Hold On' was created whilst Serena was stuck on the cruise ship she was working on at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.  During which she began to analyse her life and this reminded Serena of the time where she was at her lowest, due to being treated badly by a boy that she used to date.  Channeling those feelings into her music and this single, you can hear those emotions reflecting through her soulful vocal tone.  The fierceness that her voice exudes, the glossy and lush tones and the accompanying rhythm completely wrapping around your ears.  The track starts with intense piano chord hits and long violin notes that sit on the high end creating that spacious and soaring atmosphere.  The brass section swells in bringing the jazz vibes as it builds and falls away throughout the first verse, with the bass and drum line joining in and providing the r&b groove.  As the song progresses Serena takes you through the journey of trying to get through how you are feeling to then coming out the other side with a new confidence filled with energy and fire.  Xavi Brown comes in at the bridge, switching up the rhythm for a moment, with a rap section.  The finger snaps bringing the sass, the brass section bringing the jazz and the guitar line filtering in some rock energy, this track has a warmth that is so inviting and a cutting edge that digs itself under your skin and it is so intoxicating.  You will be up on your feet dancing and singing along to this song from the moment you hear it.  

Serena has definitely found her style, she sounds so settled and confident within it and there is an authenticity within her lyrics and sound that keeps you coming back to have another listen.  It's exciting to watch her grow as an artist and develop her sound even more.

INSTAGRAM - serenasophiamusic

FACEBOOK - serenasophiaweir

TWITTER - @serenassophia

